Plan miasta Hetzenberg

Hetzenberg - Najnowsze wiadomości:

The ire of Ursula.

"Affairs of state have brought the Hetzenberg ambassador to our door and he wishes to speak with you. I am here to tell you what you may or may not say to him.""I will speak as I please!" she retorted, drawing herself up to full height ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Nelson und der Great Walk

Wir ziehen ein und schwelgen in der luxurioesen Atmosphaere eines Beinahe-Hotels. Bezaubernde Alice und meine Wenigkeit beschliessen, da wir nun ja einen Zipfel tiefer ins Herz der Suedinsel vorgestossen sind, alte Bekanntschaften zu ...
źródło: BlogSearch

MCristo by LaceW: Aristocracy in Monte-Cristo

... to the ex-commisioned officers of the Company (and their ex-tenants to their ?troops?), but received only a warrant and the title of ?landed knights?; they added to their name ?de? followed by the name of their remaining estate. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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